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The newsletter is only seen by people who have already shown interest in your company in some way. People are used to subscribing to newsletters from companies they are committed to or whose brands or products they are interested in. A professionally compiled newsletter gives the sender a knowledgeable and competent impression - and above all offers the recipient genuine benefit. We produce newsletters that look like a company, are optimized and have engaging content. By sending them regularly you can deepen your customer relations even more. 


We have sent newsletters e.g. on behalf of an engineering firm, a confectionery factory and a business gift shop. The newsletter is a popular service that our clients often have with social media outsourcing.




  • Keep your customers informed 

  • Keep your customers engaged 

  • Reach those people who do not actively use social media 

  • No algorithms – you decide who receives your message 

  • Increase traffic to your website, social accounts and other digital marketing channels you use 

  • Save time and send the message to the right target group efficiently 

  • A regularly sent newsletter reminds of the company and keeps the customer engaged 

The service includes planning, compiling and sending the newsletter. Usually, the topics come from the client, but if you also need content ideas from us for use in newsletters, you can order them as a service. For example, various expert interviews or blog texts are suitable for the newsletter – these materials can be used to create a newsletter or two. 

Grow with us!

Newsletter references
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